Rilla in Action

Get visibility into 100% of your sales conversations and improve your close rates. Schedule time with Rilla to see the AI product, get an estimated ROI, and learn about our pricing.
Close Rates
Time for Managers
8x Saved
Average Ticket Sale
Rilla Metrics

What our customers have to say

Key Metrics

Improved training with Rilla boosts average sales by $2,000

Ryane Sweeney
Sales Manager
Case Study
Key Metrics

We've increased the office closing rate by 105% after using Rilla

Matt Prestwood
Corporate Sales Manager
Case Study
Key Metrics

$350,000 increase per rep, per year

John DePaola
Case Study
Key Metrics

2X increase in average ticket

Tommy Mello
A1 Garage CEO and Founder
Case Study
Key Metrics

Rilla has increased our average ticket for technicians by 25%

John Whitfield
General Manager
Case Study
Getting Started

We’re with you.
From onboarding to analytics

The Demo
See how Rilla's AI will empower you to coach your team on every appointment, every time, and in minute instead of hours.
Over the course of 1 week, we align on your goals for your business, fine-tune Rilla's AI for your sales process, and teach you everything you need to know to unlock game-changing growth.
Your Customer Success Manager will meet with you weekly to ensure proper implementation and change management. \n\n 3 months post-launch, we evaluate your numbers and share the ROI with your team to celebrate your success.
The Demo
See how Rilla's AI will empower you to coach your team on every appointment, every time, and in minute instead of hours.
Over the course of 1 week, we align on your goals for your business, fine-tune Rilla's AI for your sales process, and teach you everything you need to know to unlock game-changing growth.
Your Customer Success Manager will meet with you weekly to ensure proper implementation and change management. \n\n 3 months post-launch, we evaluate your numbers and share the ROI with your team to celebrate your success.

Save Time. Coach Better. Win More.

Book a Demo